Urheiluhistoriallinen seminaari

Ajankohta: La 7.9.2024 Jyväskylässä Paikka: Jyväskylän yliopiston kirjasto, B116 Tietoniekka (OK) Tervetuloa tunnelmoimaan urheiluhistorialliseen seminaariin ja kuuntelemaan sekä keskustelemaan urheiluhistoriasta […]

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Call for paper / Special Issue ESSH ”Sport and Religion”

Sport and Religion. The historical development from the nineteenth century onwards Call for Papers European Studies in Sports History no […]

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Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura ry Finlands idrottshistoriska förening r.f. KUTSU VUOSIKOKOUKSEEN Suomen urheiluhistoriallisen seuran jäsenet kutsutaan vuosikokoukseen, joka pidetään maanantaina 10.6.2024 […]

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Call for Presentations – The Nordic–Baltic Sports History Congress 2023 in Jyväskylä in Finland and on Zoom

The Finnish Society for Sports History and the Department of History and Ethnology of the University of Jyväskylä jointly organize Nordic–Baltic Sports History Congress in the University of Jyväskylä, in Finland, 8th–9th of December 2023. The Congress will be arranged in hybrid form, so it will be possible to attend the Congress face-to-face manner or remotely by Zoom.

We invite researchers and scholars to the congress to discuss and analyze the many perspectives of the history of Sports. The thematic is free and we happily receive presentation offers. It is also possible to participate as audience.

The congress language is English. The speeches are expected to be twenty minutes, and ten minutes are reserved for public discussion.

We ask all, who are interested in the congress, to send the abstracts of their presentation (one A4 page) to Association Professor (Docent) Heikki Roiko-Jokela (heikki.roiko-jokela(at)jyu.fi) or Congress Secretary Tapio Roiko-Jokela (tapio.h.roiko-jokela(at)jyu.fi) by the 29th of September 2023. At the same time, please indicate whether you are participating in the congress on site or remotely.

More specific information, for instance related on schedules, will be added on the webpage of the Finnish Society for Sports History (www.suhs.fi/welcome) during the late summer and early autumn 2023.

Kutsu pohjoismaisbalttilaiseen liikunta- ja urheiluhistorian hybridikongressiin Jyväskylässä ja Zoomissa

Suomen urheiluhistoriallinen seura ja Jyväskylän yliopiston historian ja etnologian laitos järjestävät pohjoismaisbalttilaisen liikunta- ja urheiluhistorian kongressin Jyväskylän yliopistossa 8.–9. joulukuuta 2023. Kongressi toteutetaan hybridimuodossa, joten osallistuminen on mahdollista myös ZOOM-etäyhteyden kautta.

Kutsumme tutkijoita keskustelemaan ja analysoimaan urheilu- ja liikuntahistoriaa kongressiimme. Tematiikka on vapaa ja otamme esitystarjouksia vastaan. Kongressiin voi osallistua myös kuuntelijana.

Kongressikielenä on englantia. Esitysten odotetaan kestävän kaksikymmentä minuuttia ja keskustelulle on varattu aikaa kymmenen minuuttia.

Pyydämme kongressista kiinnostuneita lähettämään esityksensä englanninkielisen abstraktin (yksi A4-sivu) dosentti Heikki Roiko-Jokelalle (heikki.roiko-jokela(at)jyu.fi) tai kongressisihteeri Tapio Roiko-Jokelalle (tapio.h.roiko-jokela(at)jyu.fi) 29. syyskuuta 2023 mennessä. Ilmoitattehan samalla, oletteko osallistumassa kongressiin paikan päällä vai etänä.

Kongressia koskevia tietoja, kuten tarkempia aikatauluja, täydennetään Suomen urheiluhistoriallisen seuran verkkosivuille (www.suhs.fi) tapahtuman lähestyessä.

Sport & Neutrality Symposium in Lillehammer – October 26 and 27, 2023

The Lillehammer Olympic and Paralympic Studies Center (LOSC) invites academics, PhD candidates, and others interested in current debates in sport to a public symposium on Sport & Neutrality. The symposium will take place on 26 and 27 October 2023 at the Lillehammer campus of the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. More information can be found on the event


Registration is now open.

Twelve invited scholars will engage with current issues around sport, morality, and human rights to assess whether stakeholders in sport can and should remain neutral in political questions. A session in legal issues is organized in collaboration with the annual conference of the International Sports Law Journal. The second day will focus on the role of sport science as a “neutral” academic field, since it appears to become increasingly dependent on sport organizations for funding, access to documentation, and publisher of research results. Speakers include Verner Møller (Aarhus University), Sigmund Loland (Norwegian School of Sport Sciences) and Mark James (Manchester Metropolitan University).

We particularly encourage the participation of early-career researchers, such as PhD candidates and postdoc researchers. A workshop for PhD candidates will be organized at the Norwegian Olympic Museum in Lillehammer on 25 October 2023 that will allow for the presentation of research projects and networking. Please see the section “Pre-Symposium Workshop for PhD Students” for more information.

The conference results will be published in the International Journal of Sport & Society at the end of 2024. Contributions from registered symposium participants and PhD workshop participants will also be considered for publication in the special issue.

For more information on the event, contact Jörg Krieger

jorg.krieger [at] inn.no

or Yuliya Chernykh

yuliya.chernykh [at] inn.no

Please pass this invitation on to colleagues that may find this symposium interesting. Welcome!