Second call for submissions: ISHPES Gigliola Gori Award by Malcolm MacLean
ISHPES is currently accepting applications for the 2023 Early Career Scholar Award. The ISHPES GIGLIOLA GORI AWARD will be presented at the 2023 ISHPES Congress to be held in Lausanne, Switzerland on July 12-14, 2023. (Click link for further information).The essay must be emailed to the Chair of the Awards Committee at no later than JANUARY 19, 2023
It is awarded for an unpublished essay of outstanding quality in the field of sport history. Eligible scholars must be a member of ISHPES and a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the time of the Congress or within one year of receiving or having graduated from a programme of higher education.
The essay must be submitted in English and the text itself (including notes and bibliography) must not exceed 8,000 words. The essay should conform to IJHS style for format and references.
The main criteria for selection will be based on the young scholar’s original work, the scientific quality of his or her research and the value of the study from the perspective of international sport history. A specially chosen committee will review the articles and select the winner.
The award includes a €1000 prize and is named in honour of Gigliola Gori, a long standing ISHPES member and leading sports historian. The ISHPES GIGLIOLA GORI AWARD is intended to promote emerging scholarship among young scholars of sport history world-wide through the organizational support of ISHPES and its members.
The award winner will receive a €1000 prize, free registration at the Congress and a year’s membership to ISHPES. The winning paper should be presented during the conference. His/her paper must be available for consideration to be published in /The International Journal of Sport History/ and the winner, together with any other entrant whose work is recognized by the committee for its quality, will receive a diploma that will be presented during the Congress. The essay must be emailed to the Chair of the Awards Committee at [1] no later than JANUARY 19, 2023
KUTSU – Kirjoituskutsu SUHS vuosikirjaan 2023
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Second Call for Communication for the 9th IRNIST Conference in Berlin
Dear colleagues,
Please find, attached, the second call for communication for the 9th
IRNIST conference in Berlin.
You will find in it the possible hotels for your stay. Be careful, it
could be difficult and expensive to find a room if you book late.
Waiting to meet you in Berlin
Claude Sobry & Alexander Hodeck
Claude SOBRY
Professor Emeritus
Director of the International Research Network In Sport Tourism
Member of the URePSSS research laboratory (EA 7369)