Uutuuskirja Kaikkien oikeus liikkua – Satu Lidman
Historioitsija Satu Lidmanin uudessa kirjassa Kaikkien oikeus liikkua – Kohti sukupuoli- ja kehotietoista liikuntakulttuuria (2024) tarkastellaan suomalaista liikuntakulttuuria 1900-luvun alkupuolelta nykyhetkeen pohtien samalla syitä suomalaisten liikkumattomuuden taustalla.
Teoksessa nostetaan esiin erityisesti sukupuoleen, sukupuoli-identiteettiin, kehon piirteisiin ja vammaisuuteen liittyviä syrjiviä asenteita ja puheita, joilla on vaikutusta liikunnan harjoittamiseen. Kirja myös kannustaa pohtimaan, miten liikkumisen ilo mahdollistuisi kaikille.
Kirjan tarkempi esittely löytyy osoitteesta: https://www.gaudeamus.fi/teos/kaikkien-oikeus-liikkua/
CfP: IJHS: Sport and history in small states and non-sovereign territories
Submitted by Matthew McDowell on 02/12/2024 – 7:58pm
Announcement Type
Call for Papers
February 12, 2024 – May 31, 2024
In the first issue of the new journal Small States & Territories, released in 2018, Godfrey Baldacchino proclaimed the “mainstreaming” of the study of small states and territories. He used the example of the recent success of the Iceland men’s football team at EURO2016 as a means towards critiquing the mainstream treatment of small states’ successes in various arenas as being curios and oddities, with little attempt to understand the context of such successes and their limitations. Whilst Iceland’s specific case may have been discussed by Vidar Halldorsson in his 2017 book, and indeed other texts have examined the politics of small states and non-sovereign territories, there is nevertheless still a significant historiographical gap within Anglophone literature on the topic.
Defining “small states” is difficult. In a 2009 article, Matthias Maass noted that scholars had different criteria existed for permanent population, land area, national gross domestic product relative to the global economy, and military power. The Commonwealth, however, defines “small states” strictly in terms of population: i.e. states with 1.5 million permanent residents or less. Additionally, non-sovereign territories have a variety of sizes and relationships with “parent” countries: “territories”, “dependencies”, “commonwealths”, or even other “stateless nations” which are formally incorporated into the metropolitan state, and thus struggle for recognised status. Some of these territories, unrecognised or not, might have no military power, but have populations which far exceed some small states.
The relevance of small states and territories to global sport culture is typically acknowledged in the background. Brian Stoddart in 1988 noted as much when discussing the importance of small states to the rise of Caribbean and West Indies cricket. But acknowledging small states and territories as a particular foci for the historical study of study has been much more rare, with some exceptions, including: Evelyne Combeau-Mari (Réunion), Antonio Sotomayor (Puerto Rico), Gareth Stockey (Gibraltar), Peter Gold (Gibraltar), Matthew L McDowell (the Falkland Islands, the Isle of Man), and Simon Vaukins (the Isle of Man). Some of these studies include small states which no longer exist, including Newfoundland (Fred Mason, Osvaldo Croci) and Saarland (Alec Hurley).
This special issue seeks to redress that balance. Potential topics include (but are not limited to):
– Histories of sports and individual events and phenomena in small states and territories
– Histories of small states’ and territories’ struggle for recognition from international sporting federations
– Histories of traditional sports and activities in small states and territories
– Histories of international sporting events and competitions in which small states and territories have played a visible role
– Biographical examinations of key personalities involved in sport within small states and territories
– Critical examinations of the relationship between empire, de-/post-colonialism, and sport and history within small states and territories
– Histories of sporting organisations and governance within small states and territories
– The historic relationship of sport with disputes over sovereignty within small states and territories
– Historic sport and diplomacy involving small states and territories.
Potential articles must be based on primary historical research, and be structured as history articles. However, the editors take an expansive view of definitions of “small states” and “territories”: we hope to provoke debate on these categorisations, and we will discuss this in the introduction.
If you are interested in being a part of this special issue, please submit a 150-word abstract to the above editors by Friday, 31 May 2024.
We would be looking to publish this special issue by the end of 2025. Thus, if your abstract is accepted by the editors, we would expect the first draft to be submitted by Monday, 2 December 2024. We will have more details on submission at a later date.
Contact Information
International Journal of the History of Sport, Special issue editors:
Matthew L McDowell (University of Edinburgh), matthew.mcdowell@ed.ac.uk
Malcolm MacLean (University of Gibraltar), malcolmkmaclean@gmail.com
Contact Email
ISHPES Congress 2024 Call for abstracts – Extended deadline
Dear ISHPES members,
The submission deadline has been extended to March 15, 2024.
Please see the original call for abstracts below
We are happy to welcome you in the Federal University of Paraná for the 2024 ISHPES Congress – Cultural transfers and circulation of knowledge: debates and controversies in the history of physical education and sport.The congress will be held in Curitiba/Brazil from September 10th to 13th.
Scholars are welcome to submit individual presentations or suggest thematic sessions following the congress’ subtopics:
– Local/global aspects of sports and physical education
– Physical education and school systems
– Gender issues and diversity in sports and physical education
– Sports and the construction of social boundaries: race, nation, class
– National and international sports and physical education institutions
– Sports, physical education, and scientific debates
– Sports, physical education, and national identities
– Sports, physical education, and nature
– Methodological issues in the study of the history of sports and physical education
– Open papers (only for individual presentations)
Important: You must be a current ISHPES member to submit and present your individual paper or thematic session. For information about membership, visit https://www.ishpes.org/membership
Guidelines for individual papers
Individual papers consist of 20-minutes oral presentation. The official language of the congress is English. Presenters must be ISHPES members (if you are not a member yet, please fill out the membership form online).
The submission must present:
– Title
– Name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail of the author(s)
– A 350 words (maximum) abstract of the proposed paper including: the question(s) addressed, the evidence used, a precise statement of the argument and conclusions.
– Please specify also to what subtopic your abstract is related.
Guidelines for thematic sessions
Scholars are invited to suggest sessions including three abstracts related either to the main topic or one of the subtopics (except open papers). The scholars participating in the thematic session should be from at least 2 different countries.
The submission must include:
– A title for the session.
– An abstract describing the session.
– Name, institutional affiliation, and e-mail of the session organiser
– The title and abstract for each paper, following the same guidelines of the individual papers.
Guidelines for The Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award
The Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award is awarded for an unpublished essay of outstanding quality in the field of sports history. The award winner will receive the 500 € prize, free registration at the Congress and a year’s membership to ISHPES. Their paper will be published in The International Journal of the History of Sport.
– Eligible scholars must be an ISHPES member and a registered student (undergraduate or graduate) at the event or within one year of graduating from a higher education program.
– The essay must be submitted in English, following the International Journal of the History of Sport guidelines.
– The essay must not exceed 8,000 words (including notes and references).
– The selection will be based on originality, scientific quality of the research, and the value of the contribution to the field from the perspective of international sports history.
– Essays must be submitted to awards@ishpes.org, Chair of the Awards Committee. The deadline is February 28th, 2024. The award will be presented at the 2024 ISHPES Congress.
Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund
Graduate students presenting papers at the ISHPES Congress can apply for a travel grant from the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund. The money will be divided among the applicants to help with travelling and accommodation costs during the congress. The request should be made at the same time as the abstract submission.
To apply to the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund, the student must:
– Be a current ISHPES member.
– Write a concise letter requesting the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund, including the applicant’s academic affiliation and the name and e-mail address of the applicant’s graduate program advisor.
– Send the letter to ISHPES General Secretary Dr. Sandie Beaudoin at info@ishpes.org.
– Please note that the funds will only be awarded if the applicant’s paper is accepted by the scientific committee, which works separately from the Gerd von der Lippe selection process.
– The financial support will be distributed to the selected students by the ISHPES General Secretary during the congress
– The Gigliola Gori Junior Scholar Award winner is not eligible for financial support from the Gerd von der Lippe Junior Scholar Fund.
Submissions schedule
The period for submissions will be from February 1st to march 15th via conftool.
The results will be published from March 25th.
If you have any questions, please contact ishpes2024@gmail.com
We look forward to seeing you in Curitiba!
We can find all the information in the new website : https://www.ishpes.org/ishpes-congress-2024/
Best regards,
BSSH annual Conference 2024 Call for Papers
Submitted by Max Portman on 02/29/2024 – 11:25pm
February 29, 2024 – May 7, 2024
United Kingdom
The British Society of Sports History (BSSH) is delighted to announce the Call for Papers for its 42nd annual conference.
This year’s annual conference will take place at the University of Chichester on the 22nd and 23rd of August 2024, with a PhD/Early Career Researcher workshop directly preceding it on the 21st of August.
For those interested in submitting a piece for the conference, the following information outlines the requirements for abstracts.
Abstracts are accepted as follows:
• Individual: a single abstract from an individual/ co-researchers for 20-minute presentations.
• Proposed panel: a set of abstracts (ideally 3, or 4 maximum) submitted by a representative for a group of individuals/co-researchers examining a single topic or theme (session 90 mins, including c.30 minutes questions/discussion).
Abstracts should be c.200 words, including:
• Full title: as it will appear in the conference programme.
• Outline of the context and/or academic literature informing the research as appropriate; identification of core themes/argument of the paper and broad theoretical and/or methodological approach adopted as appropriate; significance of the research.
• Also include your preferred name; affiliation; email address and a short biography (c.50 words).
The abstract submission deadline will be Tuesday the 7th of May 2024. Abstracts must be emailed directly to the conference organisers Dr Paul Wheeler at P.Wheeler@chi.ac.uk and/or Max Portman at MPORTMA1@stu.chi.ac.uk. Please include your name within the subject line of the email.
For all other information, please consult the attached Call for Papers.
Contact Information
Dr Paul Wheeler- Senior Lecturer in Sports Management at the University of Chichester – P.Wheeler@chi.ac.uk
Max Portman- PhD Candidate in History and Politics at the University of Chichester- MPORTMA1@stu.chi.ac.uk
Email: MPORTMA1@stu.chi.ac.uk